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重做蘇珊娜尼斯的作品「強姦是」(2012) 部分答案是客觀的定義,例如: 部分則是社會上常見的迷思,認為部分受害者是自願的或強姦是一種享受。「Girls are not the victims, but the planners (女人不是受害者,而是策劃者)」「爽!」「另類身體的檢查」,亦人說要以逆來順受的態度去面對,「反抗不到就要去學習享受」,對於罪行採取默許的態度。這類說法有人不同意並作出指責:「自己爽, 不理人的感受!? 自私!? 」、「有誰喜歡被侮辱,不要相信搵笨的歪理!」、「犯罪的行為 要坐牢很久 不要胡作非為」。 而部分人則強調受害者的感覺,反證強姦何爽之有,例如: 另一強姦迷思是「男人絕對不會遇上的事」卻有相當多的反對意見:「不同意, 有受害者是男性, 強姦有時是想侮辱另一人, 不分男女。」「無分男女的, 但相同的是有一方是被逼的!!」 部分答案延伸定義,不只包括行為上,亦包括思想上的,例如: 亦有延伸到生活上,如: 亦有延伸到教育,如:「交作品集 」「334不知所謂的教育制度~~」「考試需要有成績的! 」「我的時間經常被功課(做project) 強姦了」從中估計不少觀眾是學生,答案感受到學生的壓力。 亦有延伸到社會時事,如D&G 事件、繁體字被打壓、特首選舉等: 部分則是一些開玩笑式的演譯,例如: 作品「強姦是 …」 一方面表達文晶瑩對蘇珊娜尼斯作品的尊敬,另方面,作者自己在這個議題上說得多,很想聽聽別人的說法,不如就來一個直接討論。可能正正因為作品簡單直接,容易參與,只四天展出時間,便得到觀眾熱烈的回應。這些回應令作品變得豐富,不單討論了性侵犯的議題,暴露了性侵犯的迷思,更將議題帶到日常生活上,將強姦泛指成各樣強迫他人做不願意的事情。原來我們的生活充斥著各樣侵犯的事例,或許應思考一下怎樣減少這些不理想的情况。 ![]() Redo Suzanne Lacy’s work “Rape Is” (2012) -When your boyfriend hears your best friend was raped and he asks, "What was she wearing?" The exhibition viewers were very enthusiastic about participating in the show. There were more than 140 posts in 4 days. The posts showed a variety of definitions related to the subject and also reflected the reality of the society. Some of the answers are objective definitions of rape, for example: -No matter under what circumstances, you are not voluntarily having sex with others and that is ... Some of the answers represent common myths about rape. People think some of the victims agreed to have sex with the perpetrators and they enjoyed being raped. For example, “Girls are not the victims, but the planners.” “Cool!” “Alternative body check.” Some of the audience suggested passive ways to face the violence, e.g., “If you cannot resist it, you need to learn how to enjoy it.” This group of people tolerates the crime. Some people did not agree, “Just think of yourself and ignore others’ feelings!? So selfish!?”, “Who would like to be insulted? Don’t believe in this kind of myth!” “Committing crime would result in jail for a long time. Behave yourself!” Some people emphasized the feelings of the victims to disprove that being raped is cool, for example: Another rape myth about “rape never happens on men” received a considerable number of objections, e.g., “Disagree. There are male victims. To rape sometimes is to insult another person, regardless of gender.” “Makes no difference between men and women. It is the same thing if one of the parties is being forced.” Some answers extend the definition. Sexual assault not only includes behavior but is an ideology, e.g., Several answers extended to daily lives, e.g. Certain answers extended the definitions to education, e.g. A number of answers developed the definitions into social issues, e.g., Some of the answers are jokes, e.g., A person said, “What??????? A nine years old child can’t understand….” This is a common phenomenon, as one viewer answered, "Rape, this word never appears in school textbooks, even teachers and parents do not mention it. Since it is like a taboo, the children do not know what it is. I remember that I had knowledge in this area, probably when I was studying in primary four, five and six. I only learned it from the newspapers. I did not care about it because it seems that if the door to this taboo was opened, I could not be naïve anymore. Extensive sex education has been proposed for years but it has never been implemented. This kind of education not just teaches students about sex but also issues relating to sex, asking them to protect themselves. If we keep our mouths shut, keep silent, and things happen, we would only think we are unlucky, this is our own fault.” The work "Rape is ..." on the one hand expresses Phoebe’s respect for Suzanne Lacy, and on the other hand, the artist wants to have a direct discussion on the issue of sexual assault. May be because the work is simple, straightforward and easy to participate in, it got a lot of responses though it was on display for only four days. These responses enriched the work. Not only the issue of sexual assault was discussed, myths of sexual assault were exposed and the topic was integrated into the daily life: rape refers to all sorts of things which others are forced to do. In fact, our lives are filled with all sorts of violence, and perhaps we should think of ways of eliminating it. Photo Documentation:http://www.cyman.net/RapeIs/ |